You know why you have to change, you want to change, and you know how to change, so why haven’t you changed yet? What’s missing? According to the ADKAR Model, Ability is the answer… In this video, we explore what Ability is in the ADKAR model, how you build and measure it in others, and how to best leverage it in the organization. Ability is the step that brings our change into fruition because now comes the time to apply what has been learned in the previous three steps and show the change in action.

As we know, ADKAR focuses on the individual, but here we take that a step further and discuss how to utilize Ability on an organizational level.

We take a look at how you could use these factors to measure Ability in an individual.

We explore CLARC and the key role that direct supervisors play in this step of ADKAR. We even look at the Metaphorical significance of CLARC when compared to the crucial role that direct supervisors take on in the Ability step, as said in the video:

Building Ability for a change in an organization relies on the direct leaders of the people impacted by the change. As Change Managers, nobody wants to hear from us, the Prosci Research is clear on that. Our role is to enable the direct supervisors to be the Clarc Kents of the organization. Why do we call them Clarc Kents? Because of what they must do, they are the Superheroes of Change. They need to Communicate, Liaise, Advocate, Resistance Manage, and Coach.

Find our previous videos on ADKAR for a deeper exploration of each step.