It’s all about the Transition

One of the challenges of a transition is to understand what will change and what will not. Another is that to affect a change, different people may have to undergo different transitions. What is becoming clear as we live through the challenges of the extraordinary current events is that the changes they are creating are radical and will likely last some time; indeed probably more than a few weeks or even months. We quickly realised that we needed to make a radical change; changing from the delivery of our change management courses in-person to a format we call Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT).
The purpose of this transition is the ability for our customers to continue to participate in the world-class Prosci Change Management competency-building programs, but in such a way that avoids people having to physically be in the same room, during the group sessions. From the outset, we aimed to keep the positive elements of the in-person style. So, what will our these programs look like; what will change and what will not. Let’s begin with some of the ‘stays the same’.
In some respects, this format is better than before. For one thing, you don’t have to navigate traffic if you are travelling and stay away from your family at the hotel overnight. Instead, you can participate in the comfort of your work environment or at home. Another change will be the options in which you can interact with your instructor and assistant. You have multiple ways of providing input, asking questions, working in groups and providing feedback, even having a chat conversation with the assistant while we are working.
Once the crisis abates we will return to delivering the in-person programs for all levels of an organisation.
Perhaps the most important point about our programs that is not changing is that while a lot of what is going on around us is happening in react, seat-of-the-pants mode, we continue to teach a structured, purposeful approach to manage change. This hallmark of the Prosci method and how we do things at and Change builds competency to handle all kinds of change, in our personal lives and our organisations.
Here is a list of the forthcoming certification programs offered in the VILT way;