VILT sessions are an engaging way to improve your Change Management skills, with a real time class where you can interact with the instructor and other participants.

We are living a radical change that is affecting everyone. Organizations have to operate with workers working from home, with projects and changes that cannot be stopped.

Adapting to the new environment is a must for every organization and at and Change™ we embraced the opportunity to transform all the training programs that we offer. Partnering with Prosci® we now offer Virtual Instructor-Led Prosci® Change Management programs.

What’s the value of virtual training?

Unprecedented challenges have prompted us to adopt the Virtual Instructor-Led Training as a steady offering and our virtual courses ensure real time participation.

Instructor and participants, from around the world, interact with each other, view and share presentations and videos, engage in workgroup activities. Furthermore, virtual sessions save time, and carbon footprint as avoids costly travel. All you need is a good connection and a functioning laptop.

With all our Programmes also delivered as VILT, you will get:

  1.  The Prosci® research-based method for effective Change Management
  2.  The flexible and unconventional and Change™ approach
  3. A personalised experience
  4. Collaborative learning
  5. Interactivity
  6. Multimodal content representation
  7. Immediate feedback

Browse our Programmes and book your virtual seat

Our courses are currently being activated: